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The Social Network (2010) English

Plot- On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history… but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications Screenshots-Mediafire Download Links-Part Isize: 150 mbPart IIsize: 150 mbPart IIIsize: 100

300 (2006) BRRip Full HD (1080p) Dual Audio (Hindi | English)

Genre : Action/Adventure, Drama, Adaptation and WarStarcast : Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, Michael Fassbender, Vincent Regan, Dominic WestDesc :In the ancient Battle of Thermopylae, King Leonidas and 300 Spartans fought to the death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army. Facing insurmountable odds, their valor and sacrifice inspire all of Greece to unite against their Persian enemy, drawing a line in the sand for democracy.Duration : 1 hr. 49 min. Mediafire Download Links-Download Nowsize: 807 mbPassword- world4free.inSingle Resumable LinkDownload NowSize 807 mb

Due Date (2010) Dual Audio (Hindi / English)

Released : Nov 5, 2010Genre : ComedyStarcast : Robert Downey Jr. | Zach Galifianakis | Michelle Monaghan | Jamie FoxxDesc :Peter Highman (Robert Downey Jr.) must get to LA in five days to be at the birth of his firstborn. He is about to fly home from Atlanta when his luggage and wallet are sent to LA without him, and he is put on the “no-fly” list. Desperate to get home Peter is forced to accept the offer of Ethan Tremblay (Zach Galifianakis) to hitch a ride with him cross-country. Peter is about to go on the most terrifying and agonizing journey of his life.Duration : 95 min Cramit Single Link-Download Nowsize: 837 mbMediafire Download Links-Part Is

The Book of Eli (2010) Blue ray Dual Audio (Hindi / English)

Released : 19 March 2010Genre : Action | Adventure | Drama | Thriller | WesternStarcast : Gary Oldman, Denzel WashingtonDesc :A post-apocalyptic tale, in which a lone man fights his way across America in order to protect a sacred book that holds the secrets to saving humankind.Duration : 1hr 57minCramit Single Link-Download NowSize 582 mbMediafire Download Links-Part Isize: 150 mbPart IIsize: 150 mbPart IIIsize: 150 mbPart IVsize: 131 mbPassword-

Red Riding Hood (2011)

A young beautiful girl fall in love for a woodcutter but her parents arranged her to marry a wealthy man. They live in a village hunted by werewolf. Valerie and Peter planning to run away together but Valerie’s sister were killed by a werewolf. As death toll rises, Valerie discovers that she has a connection to the beast. Starring: Amanda Seyfried, Shiloh Fernandez and Max Irons. Directed by Catherine Hardwicke.FileServe: Links: Single Link http://

The Bounty Hunter (2010) Blue Ray Dual Audio (Hindi / English

Released : 17 March 2010Genre : Action | Comedy | RomanceStarcast : Jennifer Aniston, Gerard Butler, Gio PerezDesc :Milo Boyd (Gerard Butler), a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, gets his dream job when he is assigned to track down his bail-jumping ex-wife, reporter Nicole Hurly (Jennifer Aniston). He thinks all that's ahead is an easy payday, but when Nicole gives him the slip so she can chase a lead on a murder cover-up, Milo realizes that nothing ever goes simply with him and Nicole. The exes continually one-up each other - until they find themselves on the run for their lives. They thought their promise to love, honor and obey was tough - staying a

Unborn (2009) Dual Audio (Hindi / English)

Released : 9 Jan 2009Genre : Horror | ThrillerStarcast : Odette Yustman, Gary Oldman, Meagan Good, Idris ElbaDesc :While babysitting a kid as well as his baby brother, Casey Beldon has a awful calamity involving a uncanny dog as well as an immorality child, as well as she tells her most appropriate crony Romy over a phone. Casey is condemned by this boy, as well as when she goes to a ophthalmologist, he asks if she has a identical tiwn hermit or sister. She asks her father as well as discovers which her mom mislaid a son which died in a womb. Casey suspects which she is condemned by a suggestion of her brother. She finds a minute addressed to a lady
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